Well, in truth, my friend didn’t actually "wake up" with new psychic abilities, but it kinda felt that way for me. To be more accurate, I should probably have called this post: “the day I woke up to my friend’s news that she has been developing her psychic senses”, but that isn’t nearly as catchy.
I remember waking up one normal work day to find a direct Facebook message sent in the night that simply read, YES. The answer to whatever you’ve been asking yourself lately is yes.
Of course, I was confused and wanted to know more. Was Rommie listening to my sleep talk via phone tap? She explained the truth was less Get Smart and a little more John Edwards. She’s psychic (now) and the guides had been interrupting her sleep with a message for me.
What?? There is so much intrigue about people who can “tune in” to others I thought it’s only right I ask Rommie a few questions and share her answers with you.
She’s an awesome mate, so here they are. I also figure with Jupiter and Mercury entering retrograde at the same time this week (astrological speak for utter chaos), we could all use a little psychic insight right now.
When did you first experience psychic ability?
That’s hard to say because I didn’t really know what “psychic” looked like. I was always scared of seeing dead people lying on my lounge so I’m sure I shut that side down. I also had this idea you would have visions in full colour, 3D right there in front of you. I do have that, but I have it in my inner vision, not outer. I also didn’t realise psychic also included other senses like feeling, knowing, hearing, smelling, etc. The knowing sense (that gut instinct) I’ve had since before I can remember, back to childhood. When I’d figured out what I was doing, I realised that a lot of visions I was having now, I’d had for many years. I would see someone and I’d see a vision I would have already seen a year or two earlier.
Did you know that was what was happening right away?
I’ve been told by so many people that I’m psychic over the years and I would always laugh in disbelief. This whole psychic ability came out of left field for me. I wasn’t looking for it, I didn’t even understand what it was so I had no clue what was happening. I was extremely curious in animal communication to start with so at some point I found a mentor. At one point in the training she sent me some telepathic “tests” of some of her clients (people and animals) across the phone for me to read. I didn’t even know what that meant. I sat there feeling really dumb and at a loss as to what I was supposed to do when all of a sudden, I had images flooding my vision and I just started talking (I now know that I was “channelling”). She told me I was very advanced, that she rarely saw people already at her own level of ability, and sent me off to start reading anyone and any pets I could get my hands on.
How did you feel?
I was excited and instantly passionate about what this could mean for helping others. I never really saw this as a “look at me and what I can do”, it was always, “look at how many people I can help". My life has revolved around health and fitness and I’d had my own struggles with depression and some debilitating childhood beliefs. I’d healed myself through psychic (spiritual) healers and I was excited to be able to help people in the same the way I’d been helped. Having experienced the profound healing power of this made me excited at the possibilities.
When did you first tell someone else about it?
For a fleeting moment I was concerned about what others would think, but the idea of helping people overshadowed that concern. I probably told my close friends straight away, but others I left out of the loop for quite a long time. Most of my peripheral friends probably aren’t into this world so I’m selective. Not because I’m scared of it, but because their skepticism won't help them at this point.
How did they react?
Most were positive. I’m sure some were being nice and saying all the right things without really understanding it all, but not in a negative way. To be honest I’m not concerned what people think of me and I’m more driven by helping people than their views on what I do. It’s a sticky subject for sure because people have no understanding of what it is, how it works and how it useful it can be. Many people only believe what they can see.
Have you ever been ridiculed?
Not by anyone I know. But if you count Facebook, I’ve have had some people tell me I’m an idiot.
What’s surprised you about “being psychic”?
Something I didn’t anticipate was the “psychic addict”. The person that can’t make their own decisions and needs guidance every step of the way so wants to book weekly readings. This doesn’t help in my opinion so I don’t generally allow someone to see me that often.
How has your life changed as a result?
I’ve developed a much deeper understanding of people. The “meaning of life” has taken a complete 360-degree turn. My mission has always been to help people, but this ability has given me intimate insight into the mind body spirit connection that I understood intellectually, but not to the degree I see it now. Plus, I get to do a job I love.
So that’s my friend who (for me) woke up psychic. When I met her, Rommie taught yoga (brilliantly by the way). Today she uses her gift to help people at an even deeper level, using her insight to tap into a person’s mental and emotional health as well. She has tremendous insight with animals and was the “pet psychic” you might have heard on my radio show a couple of years ago. You can learn more about her psychic & healing services for people (and pets) here.
Oh, and if you’re still wondering what that question was that needed answering “YES” to: I went ahead and married the man of my dreams shortly after. I’m so glad Rommie didn’t let my negative beliefs get in the way of the very best decision I’ve made to date.
Stay safe during the retrogrades peeps! xC