You’d think the content side of business would come easily for me after a couple of decades working as a commercial broadcaster. But when you’re doing it for your own business its so much harder.
In the 5 years since my radio show was suddenly axed, I’ve transitioned to small business operator. Leading me to experience the full range of dread-inducing emotions over the pressure to make social media and website content that will grow my brand.
The fact is, as a sole trader I have NONE of the complex support teams I used to enjoy as a presenter on TV & Radio.
Just a take the average - and yet tightly budgeted - TV shoot. It’s never just me out there.
Along comes the field producer to assess the ‘shootability’ of the script I’ve written, revise where necessary and steer the entire production so it fits the brand of the show.
When I left full time work in the media I found content creation a challenge without the team of professionals I was used to having around me.
There’s also always a sound engineer to make sure the mics are on, and to ask for a re-shoot if there’s a weird noise in the back ground.
And of course there’s a camera operator, which I’m sure is the one you thought of first, most people do. As well as shooting the dang thing, your cammo will keep an eye on the lighting which when done right can make it look like you’ve just stepped out for the day after 24 hours of consecutive, restorative sleep.
The good ones are that good.
So you can imagine my distress when I, like any small business owner getting started on a shoestring, set out to start making my own on camera content to get more people to know about my new Media Training business.
Nothing looked ‘perfect’ like I was used to seeing on TV
And every time I opened my mouth I was wracked with imposter syndrome, fear of failure, and uncertainty.
Add to that, in 2018 I expereinced a major health crisis and nearly died due to the mismanagement of a rare autoimmune disease. Once it was properly treated, the medicines, steroids, I needed to take each day to stay alive caused me to quickly gain a lot of extra weight.
I’d never had such low confidence. And I was an experienced presenter!
How must other business owners feel?
Since then I’ve made it my mission to find a small-business-friendly system for making the kind of content that wasn’t just worthy of the brand I was trying to build, but would also work for my business.
Because deep down I knew that even the prettiest images and fanciest productions would do nothing to pay my bills if I didn’t have something really worthwhile to say to my target audience.
I also knew I wanted to share my system with other businesses so they can get their message out to as many of the right audience members as possible, without wasting hours recording content.
Today, I’ve been able to distill not just the TV tips n tricks that’ve helped me, but also the budget-friendly on camera content making hacks I’ve found, into a plan.
This plan has allowed me to be consistent with my on camera content and in turn, I’ve enjoyed my highest income-earning year.. ever. That’s even more than when I was working full time hosting a capital city breakfast radio show.
And I did it while enjoying several long road trips around WA with my husband.
Like to know how?
My new Confidence on Camera & Modern Media Workshop is coming to Sydney this October, and will fill in the gaps.
So, hit that link and I’ll see you there.