Carmen Braidwood hosted the 96fm Breakfast show in Perth from 2011-2017
One of the common questions I used to get asked about working on a breakfast radio show, was how I dealt with those days I when I just didn't feel like having fun on the radio.
"No one's in that good a mood every day", people would say to me.
Or, "I have no idea how you can sound so happy before 6am"..
and others would say, "you must just have to fake it, surely".
Those third kind of people were half right.
The truth is, I used to find that simply doing the radio show - which was, for the most part, fun and music-focused - was enough to remedy any lack of motivation I might experience from time to time. Even if I had to start off by 'faking it', I'd pretty soon genuinely feel better.
I explored this phenomenon in this Reel I made for Instagram recently.
The book I mention in the Reel is from way back in 1980, Feeling Good: The Modern Mood Therapy, by David D Burns MD. It's credited with popularising cognitive behavioural therapy.
Reading it I realised why simply doing the show was an effective way to turn a lack of motivation into a good mood. Taking action, even when you don't feel like it, is a proven way to combat procrastination.
But what about now that I mostly work from home?
Unlike the radio show days, there's no deadline forcing me to get in the home office.
So, when confronted with a day when my motivation is lacking, I've got to be the one to remind myself that simply doing that thing I've been putting off will help me kick my mojo back in to gear.
The same goes for getting on camera for your business. Even if it's not your favourite thing to do, simply doing it, watching yourself back and trying again each day will help you improve, and even: start to love it.
How is your confidence on camera lately? Send me an email if you're in need of a little extra motivation to make some content.